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Emanon R#Improvement 👍#Bug Report 🐛#Welcome 👋20
Include picture and attachment
It will be great if can attach picture in diary so it can become more memorable moments to be recorded. Thanks
Siti Aisyah O8
Assign tasks to the week level
Sometimes you have things to do within the week but not necessarily on a specific day. Being able to assign a task for "week 40" for example would declutter the daily view, and relieve the "stress" you get from seeing a task planned for a specific day and not done yet
Nicolas B#Improvement 👍2
Planner Hierarchy Sort Filter
Would like to be able to have the tasks in the planner be able to be automatically sorted, especially by Unfinished -> Completed. Currently you must manually move those items.
Colin C0
Progress bar for subtasks
I use the subtask function a lot but it would be great if there was a progress bar or counter that shows how many subtasks have been checked off without having to open the task.
Sanne B#Improvement 👍0
More colors
Many people organize by colors so I’d rather not pick just one color for everything.
MPF#Improvement 👍2
Hourly Schedule
Hey there! It would be absolutely wonderful if there was an hourly schedule function on this app. I took a time management class and this was highly recommended. It is nice for a daily and weekly view for how long event will last and how much time is in between. This way I could see where I had time to complete items on my to-do list. Thank you so much for this phenomenal app!!
Savannah C6
See tasks in monthly view
Have the option to view tasks/events in Planner without needing to click on the date
Interlinking of tasks and notes
The option to add notes to a task (and vice versa) or otherwise connect the two.
Cameron S#Improvement 👍1
Subtasks need to be visible
A task that has subtasks should have a visual reminder like an asterisk beside it or the subtasks should be listed beneath the tasks so you can see them at a glance without opening up each task to see if it has subtasks.
Gigi G#Deal Breaker 💔1
Today View
By having a today view, the mobile version of Elisi can show the progress one has made during the day. Without the today view, one's accomplishments during the day is hidden inside each module. Therefore past accomplishments cannot be used as encouragements for more action. The desktop version of Elisi doesn't have this problem since the screen is bigger and users can open multiple widgets at once.
Check off events
I would love to be able to check off events like with tasks.
Maria Obregon G3
Allow app to have a widget to show our planner,list, or habits on homescreen
Jeanne C5
Different kinds of tics
Allow a started/ completed/ postponed/ cancelled option instead of just cross out/ happy/ sad etc
Quinton J2
Is there a way you can incorporate a search facility in to the platform, so you can look for old items or up and coming ones?
Karl P4